Greencheek Conures
Our love affair with greencheek conures began with the addition of Juju.
Juju was a little Turquoise conure who came to us when he was being rehomed for the 4th time in his short 16-month old life. He turned out to be a mischievous little Imp, but absolutely delightful. His mortal enemy was the cellphone, and he turned into a fury at the mere sight of it. Otherwise he was sweet as can be, and it was hard to imagine that this lovely bird was given up for biting.
He now lives happily with his mate Bean, a yellowsided turquoise.
Except for Juju, our breeder birds have been with us since they were babies.
The majority of them were bred by “Mini Macaws and More”, trusted friend and one of the foremost Greencheek breeders in the country, now based out of South Carolina.
Greencheeks have a reputation of being “nippy”, as they are busy little birds that can throw temper tantrums when not getting their way. They are curious, playful and bold and test everything with their beak. Think “mouthy puppies” in comparison.
But they are also delightful companions who love attention. They tend to socialize with their whole “flock” and while they certainly can show a preference, they don’t tend to be “one person birds” like many other parrots. They are skilled flyers.
They also come in many color mutations from normal green to mooncheeks.
Some of our pairs are set up “sex-linked”, so it is possibly to tell the gender of the babies by their mutation. It means that the Dad is a sex-linked visual mutation, while the mother is not. So all female babies will carry the visual mutation of Dad, and the sons will not show it, but carry it as a “split” trait.
Our focus is on cinnamon dilutes (“the yellows”) and turquoise lines. However, our birds can produce a wide variety of mutations.
Current pricelist as of 2022:
Normal Green $425.00
Cinnamon $425.00
Yellowsided $450.00
Pineapple $475.00
Turquoise $550.00
Turquoise Cinnamon $550.00
Turquoise YS $550.00
Turquoise Pineapple $600.00
Turquoise Dilute (Mint) $650.00
Turquoise YS(Opamint) $750.00
Mooncheek $850.00
Dilute $500.00
Cinnamon Dilute $600.00
YS Dilute $550.00
Suncheek $700.00